
Becoming a soccer referee is an enjoyable and rewarding way to participate in the sport beyond or in addition to your time as a player. As a referee for Washington Local Soccer, you will be paid for every match that you work. We are currently recruiting referees for our Spring 2019 season.

Noah Hartman (on your right) began as a WLSC referee when he was in Junior High. Now at 26 years old, he is certified to work USSF, OHSAA, and college games. He has officiated games at Disney World, Memphis, and Las Vegas.

Becoming a WLSC Soccer Official

We are planning to hire between 10-12 soccer referees for the upcoming season. If you are interested in officiating games for us, please complete this Referee Application. Our Referee Assigner, John Rybarczyk, will email or text you with further instructions once you have completed the application.