
Important forms for Coaches

What is involved in coaching soccer?

  • You must be at least 18 years of age (adult Head Coaches)
  • You should have a good level of patience with young children
  • You need to have a desire to teach the game of soccer
  • You should be available to plan and conduct 1-2 practices per week
You should be available from 9am - 1pm every Saturday during the season. You will need a parent who has successfully passed the Risk Management evaluation to coach the team if you aren't able to make a game.

Coaching youth soccer is a big commitment. It is also a very rewarding experience. When you volunteer to be a Head Coach of your child's team this season, we will refund your registration fees for all of your kids that you coach. It's our small way of saying "Thank You" for helping our players.

Here is what some of our coaches have said about their experience in the past:

"I just love to see the kids who are more quiet smile when they score their first goal or when they get a good play. It's a huge confidence builder! I love to see them so excited and proud of themselves!" 
- Coach Mary Jaffe

"The most rewarding thing for me is having all my kids keep wanting to come back to my team each season. It's like we have become family. And each season we tend to recruit a new member." 
- Coach Joshua Bondy "Team Buckeyes"

"I felt like I didn't really know what I was doing when I started (2007), but my players really bought in to what I was teaching them. It was awesome to see them get so excited about soccer. I have had the privilege to help some of the members of that 2007 team get into refereeing and coaching. One of them was even my Assistant Coach in the Spring of 2014." 
- Coach Cameron Kruzel "The Falcons"

"The people you meet along the way - both parents and players. There are some awesome kids out there, with awesome parents!" 
- Coach Jason Schnabel

If you would like to be a volunteer coach this season, you can register in one of the following ways:

  • Parent/Coaches: If you have a child that will be participating, make sure you indicate that you plan to coach when completing the online registration.
  • Students/Non-Parent Coaches: If you do not have kids that are playing and just want to coach, please email Tom at to let him know. He will contact you regarding openings.

Additional Items of Interest

  • Risk Management - All coaches are required to fill out a risk management assessment with Ohio Youth Soccer Association-North. It takes less than five minutes and is free to you.
  • Concussion Training - In 2013, the State of Ohio passed a law that requires all coaches and officials associated with youth sports to take a concussion training course online. The course is free and takes about 30 minutes to complete. You will get a certificate at the end. Your certification is good for three years from the date of completion. We will need to have that on 
  • Coaches Meeting - At the beginning of each season, we hold a roughly one-hour long meeting for all coaches. We recommend all coaches attend, but know that isn't always possible. All teams should have 1 representative at the meeting.
  • Practices - Coaches are responsible for scheduling and preparing their own team practices.
Once you have signed up to coach, you will receive more information about the above topics in your email. We will send you directions for how to complete the Risk Assessment and Concussion Training.

WLSC Coaches Manual

U-11 and U-14 Coaches: Report Your Scores Here